Why is Superior updating the Comprehensive Plan now?

    The Town last updated the Comprehensive Plan in 2012. Since then, we've experienced significant transformation and challenges. We've experienced the 2013 Floods, Covid-19, and the Marshall Fire.  The process to update the Comprehensive Plan will challenge the community to consider our future aspirations and needs by looking toward the future while learning from our past.

    Who is assisting the Town with the development of the Plan?

    The Town of Superior selected Cushing Terrell through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, as the primary consultant to develop this plan. Cushing Terrell is working in partnership with Fox Tuttle for transportation planning, Leland Group for economic assessment, and Lotus for sustainability and resiliency.

    The Town was awarded a grant from the Colorado Dept of Local Affairs (DOLA) to support development of this Comprehensive Plan update.

    Will the Comprehensive Plan change the zoning and development rights of property?

    No. The Comprehensive Plan is an advisory policy document. Any changes to the zoning or land use of property will require a separate public process with the Planning Commission and Board of Trustees. Changes to zoning generally look to the Comprehensive Plan for conformance and policy alignment.

    Who are the stakeholders that will be involved in creating this Plan?

    All of us! The process will encourage engagement from all Town residents. Additionally, the Planning Commission and the Board of Trustees oversee the development and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, as outlined in the Municipal Code. Other Town Committees will have the opportunity to participate, as well as the business community and commercial property owners.  

    How can I connect to learn more?

    If the engagement opportunities do not work for your schedule, feel free to contact the planning department to schedule a time to meet! Email us at planning@superiorcolorado.gov or give us a call at 303-499-3675 ext 131. We look forward to connecting with you!