Welcome! This page is intended to provide you with information and gather your feedback in the process to create the Town's first Sustainability Action Plan.
Engagement for this project is now closed. The plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on Monday, January 24.
After months of community and stakeholder engagement, the Advisory Committee for Environmental Sustainability (ACES) and Town staff are excited to share the final draft of the 2022 Sustainability Action Plan.
More information on the development and engagement process is provided on this page. Take a look around and stay tuned for updates on progress!
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Welcome! This page is intended to provide you with information and gather your feedback in the process to create the Town's first Sustainability Action Plan.
Engagement for this project is now closed. The plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on Monday, January 24.
After months of community and stakeholder engagement, the Advisory Committee for Environmental Sustainability (ACES) and Town staff are excited to share the final draft of the 2022 Sustainability Action Plan.
More information on the development and engagement process is provided on this page. Take a look around and stay tuned for updates on progress!
Sustainability Action Plan
The Town of Superior is developing its first sustainability action plan that will serve as a guide for Town
leadership, ACES, residents, businesses and staff to advance sustainability in the community. The strategies of the sustainability action plan, once implemented, will improve social equity, promote good stewardship of the environment, and create a stronger economy.
Sustainability encompasses a broad range of topics and the Town is seeking input from residents and business on the types of sustainability resources, programs and initiatives the Town should focus efforts on.
Ways to get involved:
1. Subscribe to this project using the tool on the right side of the page. That way you'll be notified when new content is added!
2. Check out the Sustainability Assessment Report to learn more about the current state of sustainability in Superior.
2. Head over to the Town's sustainability webpages to see what types of sustainability resources are already available to the community.
3. Check out the first draft of the Sustainability Action Plan and stay tuned for the final plan to be shared in early 2022!