Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Strategies

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On January 27, 2025, the Town adopted the first ever Housing Strategies! The objectives and actions are:

How do the Housing Strategies relate to the Comprehensive Plan Update?

The Housing Strategies are intended to identify and evaluate potential actions that could result in housing development that achieves the Town’s policy objectives and does not propose any specific development or redevelopment project or location within the Town. Strategies explored in this plan that could result in housing development within the Town will be further considered through the Comprehensive Plan process to determine appropriate locations, if any. The Comprehensive Plan process will include a full evaluation of site considerations, intensity of development, integration with other Town-wide goals, compatibility, and other location-specific elements.

On January 27, 2025, the Town adopted the first ever Housing Strategies! The objectives and actions are:

How do the Housing Strategies relate to the Comprehensive Plan Update?

The Housing Strategies are intended to identify and evaluate potential actions that could result in housing development that achieves the Town’s policy objectives and does not propose any specific development or redevelopment project or location within the Town. Strategies explored in this plan that could result in housing development within the Town will be further considered through the Comprehensive Plan process to determine appropriate locations, if any. The Comprehensive Plan process will include a full evaluation of site considerations, intensity of development, integration with other Town-wide goals, compatibility, and other location-specific elements.

Page last updated: 30 Jan 2025, 03:00 PM