Name That Park!
Select your top choice from the list of five below or submit your own choice. The names with the most votes will be presented to the Board of Trustees for final consideration and selection. Thank you for participating in this survey! The survey will close July 18.
Miners Park: This name is in honor of Superior's mining history and connects to the unique tunnel system that is a key feature of the park’s nature playground.
Coal Miners Park: Similar rationale to Miners Park, but even more explicit.
Enterprise Park: This name recognizes the Enterprise, which was a briefly operational coal mine nearby the location of the new nature playground. This name also speaks to the enterprising spirit kids will need in this play area, as they can invent their own way to interact and experience the natural play features.
Depot Park: "Depot" is a nod to Superior's railroad history. It also speaks to the park as a gathering place much in the way a conventional rail depot is.
Magpie Park: This name honors the Magpie bird, which is common across the Front Range. They are recognizable by their white bellies, the flash of blue across their wings, and very noisy calls.